Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I hate warm ups

Only because at the moment I suck at doing them. This was actually my third day of class and today was the first day we did warm ups. Until today I thought I'd found the magical No Warm Up class but alas I was wrong.

Everything started out fine with a light jog, then turn out, then in, then backward, then high knees, then I can't breathe and I'm off in the corner trying not to die.

After a couple of minutes I'm back into the warm ups with jumping jacks, simple right? No...I think we must've did them for 5 minutes I never thought it was possible to do jumping jacks incorrectly but no....I was proven wrong again and ended up sucking air again after the jumping jacks.

The class moves into some kinda situp variation and I was actually able to keep up, I'd been doing some ab work at home in preparation for the classes and it payed off. Afterwards the instructor gets up, falls down, slaps the mat, kicks his feet up and rolls back to his feet...so I do my best imitation of his movements after a couple of tries I get it right and then after a couple of more I am unable to come back up..in my corner and the instructor is smiling..the class moves onto Shrimping across the mats, rolling forward and then in reverse and I was fine with those as I'd also practiced that just in case.

After warm ups and a quick question, answer, demonstration, the Instructor shows us a technique to get past someone's guard while you're standing. I'd explain it, but seriously at this point in time my knowledge of how to explain these things in person needs work so I think if I write it down I'll confuse you even more. For now I'll just say, I learned the technique with the help of a Blue belt named Andrew.

We were also shown that when in someone's full guard if you grip your opponents Gi, position your hands in a certain manner and just keep your head up it is very difficult for your opponent to manipulate your posture. Practiced this technique with a blue striped fellow named Eddie, the man was big and I couldn't lock guard but everything worked out well and the fact that he was so big and couldn't break my posture proves that I'll be adding this technique to my Game for sure.

Towards the end of class I'd practiced with a girl named Helen and we just went over the stuff the instructor showed us. Class ended I said my good byes and thanks to those I'd rolled with and was on my way home.

20 minutes stretching on my own
20 minute warm up(8 minutes spent in my corner sucking wind)
30 minute technique
10 minute extra time to go over techniques learned

Got home and caught second wind, so I did more stuff to prep for class and some stuff to hopefully improve my cardio so I can do better in class.

15 minutes ab work
4 x 5 minute Heavy bag Punches
2 x 5 minute kicking
10 minute ab work

I need the extra ab work because when fully mounted I feel my guts going into my lungs and it forces all the air out LOL This GUT has got to go!

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